What Was Decided? The April ‘Clarifications’ and Keeping Faith


I wanted to summarize my thoughts on the recent discussions about the changes made in April to the sexuality resolutions and their present implications for the policy revisions. The result was far too long for a post, so it is a posted as a page to the right (or just click here). Thanks to Prs. Keith Hunsinger and Marshall Hahn for very helpful comments. They helped clarify my thinking and made me go back and look at the texts again more closely. (When all else fails, see what was actually said).

Michael Root

One Response to “What Was Decided? The April ‘Clarifications’ and Keeping Faith”

  1. Judith Boggs Says:

    Thank you for articulating this so clearly. I was a “voting member” at CWA and I agree with you about what was both said and implied by “structured flexibility” and “bound conscience”. What is being proposed denies what was said about both. I believe that in other settings this is called “bait and switch”.

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